Common Milkweed. Shaaboosigan Aniibiishan. Choke Cherry. Asasaweminan. Harebell. Adota’gon. Strawberry. Ode’iminan. Blueberry. Miinan. Sunflower. Giizis Waabigwan. White Sage. Mashkodewashk.
What you see is the blonde hair, what you see is the color of my skin. What you don’t see is the weight I carry, the burdens of the historical trauma that bares my shoulders. As a Native woman, I was born heavy. Ethnically, Fat. My pride and self is so damn hefty I wear a triple X just in being Native. I would never question some else's identity or authenticity. My blond hair is a choice of self-expression, and the second that I have to explain myself is the second you took my voice away. I will forever remain transparent in my writing, and I will never censor the truth even if it is hard to reveal. However, my optimism tells me that time will heal everything, but the experience forces me to hold back the tears.
New Era PrincessesI did meet someone downstate, who thought they had a grandma who was related to the "Real" Pocahontas, but let me educate you on the "new era" Pocahontas. A new warrior, a powerful individual that is beginning to reclaim the hypothetical Indian Princess you learned about in the Disney movie (or in my case, the sort of real 14-year-old Indian "Squaw" in my Native American Literature course).
The way of the warrior is a combination of love, commitment, freedom, sharing, vision, lifetime learning, possibility, and optimism. This new princess is robust and independent, taking the oppression of her mother and turning it into her motivation, not only for change but tangible action. This newly re-defined princess represents every shade of beauty. A hybrid of princes chic and warrior brave, the fluidity and balance of having it all. These princesses exist. Some of them are my role models, my educators, my family, my friends and damn sure - every single one of my sorority sisters (praise the skyyyy emoji). I am blessed to bare witness to these empowering women in my life. The persistent and tenacious queens who work their asses off! The ones who carry whole families on their shoulders. The people who conquer and succeed through adversity then, raise little ones to do the same! Exciting News, Updates and Other ThingsIt has been a hot minute since I last shared all the waves of excitement going on in my studio/living room. Plus, what's been happening in my life! Gah! February was the last time I shared "Exciting News, Updates and Other Things" post! It's definitely about time to write another.
The Cedar Awakening Collection Coming Soon
& I am happy to announce I made my 100th sale and still counting!
Thank you for the incredible support! I am so excited to release a few new gems, hopefully by mid-June they will be up on the shop! Here is a sneak peak of what is to come, the Cedar Awakening Collection and summer's finest.
The Cedar Awaking Collection coming soon and bringing goodness your way
at Thank You for the Patience!
"Someone told me long ago, there's a calm before the storm, I know; It's been comin' for some time. When it's over, so they say, It'll rain a sunny day, I know; Shinin' down like water." Here's a little CCR to get you as excited as me to release the hot new Tashina Lee Emery vision's.
I am happy to share my new work; it has been coming for a while! Fingers crossed* to even more work in the very near future.
Here are the THREE new Tashina Lee Emery originals:
They are currently in limited supply (for now). |
Tashina LeeHello, I am Miss Keweenaw (Ke·wee·naw) Bay 2008, University of Michigan Graduate in 2015, and current graduate student of NYU Tisch. I have come from a small Upper Peninsula Rez and have explored as far as Ghana, Italy, and England! My passion is creating wearables that embody my indigenous roots, contemporary vibes, and optimistic outlook on life. I write to give insight into my process, life, and my home as a modern Native with many visions. I want to share, inspire, and bring awareness to other others. Be sure to keep up to date by subscribing below! #TashinaLeeEmery #TLEJewelry
October 2019